
Hi! My Name Is Taquito

Taquito is a 11 lb, 7 year old sweet Chihuahua. He is very loving and playful. He's lived as the only dog his whole life, so he needs time to warm up to another dog. Therefore, he would do best as the only dog. He loves to play with his stuffed toys. He's a big cuddlier. He is house and dog door trained. He loves walks. Terrified of car rides and vacuums. Taquito will take time to adjust to a new family, so he asks that you be patient with him. He will make a warm and loving companion.

  • Chihuahua
  • Male
  • 9 Years OldMy DoB is 12/15/2015
  • 10 - 20 Pounds
  • Tan & White
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