Tuba is approximately 4 years old and weighs 7 lbs. He is such a spry little dog!! He will easily jump on a chair & ricochet from there to join you on the couch! Tuba enjoys being carried around in a sling and is happy to go EVERYWHERE with you!! He gets lots of compliments on trips with us to the grocery store. We have snuck him into Echo and Rig (the bar area) and he quietly sat there the entire meal, didn’t make a peep. Tuba roams free through our house along with our other dogs. A few accidents inside the house, no biggie, Tuba does know to do his business outside in the morning, before bed and throughout the day (we both work from home). Tuba quickly learned the routine in our household with our other small and medium size dogs.
He loves ALL the attention. Tuba loves meal time! He is such a good eater! We mix wet food + kibble + broth and he eats everything up. He does a cute little dance EVERY SINGLE meal time!! Tuba also loves the nighttime routine. Everyone goes out for one last potty, and when in bed he will make sure he gives you lots of kisses in exchange for belly rubs, and then typically does a deep dive under the covers right next to you. Tuba sleeps the entire night with you, does not wake up or bark, and is happy to wait to get up with you. Seeing his little head pop up from under the covers is so cute – I typically greet him with “Come on, Tuba, time to face the day!!” He is such a good boy and seeks to please. As his foster mommy & daddy, we hope sweet Tuba gets the loving home he deserves!!